Edward and Maryann Toth celebrating 60 years of marriage
It was sunny and 45 degrees according to official records, but Maryann Toth swears it was much warmer on Valentine’s Day, 1953. It was her wedding day, and she needed only a shawl over her wedding dress to keep warm. (My parents agree. It was their wedding day too!)
Sixty years later, it’s not the weather that stands out, but the love that keeps two people together for so long. I marvel at the love between my parents, as I am sure, the Toth’s children feel the same way about their parents.
Broadview Heights Mayor Samuel Alai went a step further to recognize the Toth’s sixty years. He proclaimed February 14th, 2013, “Edward and Maryann Toth Day.”
The proclamation was a surprise for the Toths and the highlight of the annual Broadview Heights seniors Valentine’s day party. Each year on Valentine’s day, the mayor invites couples to renew their wedding vows.
Broadview Hts. Mayor Samual Alai officiating Valentine’s Day 2013
Edward and Maryann joined more than a dozen other couples to stand before Mayor Alai and once again vow to love, honor and cherish each other. But before anyone would say “I do,” the Toths were invited to step forth to receive the honor.
The weather wasn’t quite as warm as it was on their wedding day, but Maryann and Edward Toth will remember this anniversary for another kind of warmth. It’s the kind that comes from a community marveling at 60 years of love and commitment.
Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Toth! We at Hanson Services wish you many more happy, healthy years together.