Home Care is Essential to Recovery, especially after a hospital stay.
Hanson Services has a long history of support for Lakewood Hospital. They have been our neighbors for the nearly 20-year life of the company. Like any supportive neighbor, the hospital staff is there for us when we or our clients need them. So when Lakewood hospital announced a new president, Dr. Robert Weil, we welcomed him with a lunch in his honor.
Dr. Weil is a neurosurgeon first and an administrator second. He continues to perform some of the most delicate brain surgeries, providing life-saving measures and recovery while his patients are in his care. But he shared with us some of the frustration that comes with seeing his patients go home, firmly on their way to recovery, then return because they did not have the proper care at home.
This is familiar territory for us. Often our clients go home from a hospital stay with a Hanson Services caregiver for the first 24 hours or more. This gives them a good start on recovery at home, helping to establish a routine that will bring them back to good health.
The success rate of having a caregiver at home is detailed in this earlier blog.
Hopefully, some extra care at home will allow Dr. Weil’s patients to stay home and give Dr. Weil more time to enjoy Lakewood Hospital and the surrounding community.
Welcome to Lakewood, Dr. Robert Weil.