Hanson Services

May 27, 2018

Northeast Ohio Company Offers Hope to Those Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease

Biomedicine and neuromodulation may sound futuristic, but to anyone affected by Parkinson’s Disease, they may mean relief is just around the corner. A Northeast Ohio […]
May 27, 2018

Breaking Down Elder Care: Identifying Specific Needs Helps Simplify Your Search

If just thinking about the word “elder care” has you turning gray, take a deep breath. Since 2008, I have met with hundreds of adult […]
May 27, 2018

Modern Shoes Negatively Impact the Way We Walk

The following article discusses ways modern footwear has warped the anatomical structure of our gait (the pattern of movement in our feet). Much of the […]
May 27, 2018

Epigenetics: How Diet and Lifestyle Can Impact Our Genes

This a video that aired on PBS explaining how our diet and lifestyle can change the expression of our genes. By influencing a network of […]